Saint Demetrius day sermon
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!
Today, dear brothers and sisters, we have gathered in this Holy church to glorify with our prayers St. Demetrius, the Patrone ofthis Holy temple and Parish.
I would like to humbly present to you the life of the holy Great Martyr St. Demetrius the Myrrh-Bearer of Thessalonica.
Our Lord declared: “If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also. But all this they will do to you on my account, because they do not know Him Who sent Me” (Jn. 15.20-21). And so they did persecute our Lord, and they did persecute the Twelve, and so they continue to persecute his disciples, including the Great Martyr Demetrius, whose memory we ...READ MORE
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Violence and the Gospel
[This article was first given at a conference in Lyon of the Association of Christians Against Torture, and appeared in Supplément de la vie Spirituelle, Sept. 1987]
This essay is not an analysis of violence but a hymn to that evangelical virtue which is especially attractive to those who have had too long a familiarity with death. Such an experience is fruitful only if it is understood in the light of the Gospel. Otherwise, repeated daily atrocities can bring people to the .. READ MORE
Violence and the Gospel
by Metropolitan George (Khodr) of Byblos and Batroun[This article was first given at a conference in Lyon of the Association of Christians Against Torture, and appeared in Supplément de la vie Spirituelle, Sept. 1987]
This essay is not an analysis of violence but a hymn to that evangelical virtue which is especially attractive to those who have had too long a familiarity with death. Such an experience is fruitful only if it is understood in the light of the Gospel. Otherwise, repeated daily atrocities can bring people to the .. READ MORE
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Martyr Longinus, the Centurion who Stood at the Cross of the Lord
October 16th
He stood transfixed at the foot of the Cross, watching and wondering, full of awe and amazement. And then all at once, something was born in him – a spark of faith, a brand-new beginning. And his life was changed forever.
The divine Matthew the Evangelist describes the moment of his conversion to Christianity with enormous power:
So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, “Truly this was the Son of God!” (Matthew 27:54).READ MORE
الشهيد لونجينوس قائد المئة الذي كان واقفاً عند صليب الرب
16 تشرين الاول
كان يقف راسخا عند الصليب يراقب ويتأمل مفعما بالدهشة والذهول ، وبغتة ، ولد في اعماقه شيء ، شرارة ايمان ، بداية ليس مثلها ، فتبدلت سيرته الى الابد ، ويصف الانجيلي متى الالهي لحظة اهتدائه الى المسيحية بقوة فائقة .
" واما قائد المئة والذين معه يحرسون يسوع ، فلما رأوا الزلزلة وما كان ، خافوا جدا وقالوا حقا كان هذا ابن الله " ( متى 27 : 54 ) .
اسم قائد المئة " لونجينوس " الذي كان تحت امرته مئة جندي ، وكان في مهمة عند صليب ربنا يسوع المسيح على الجلجلة ، بحسب بعض التقاليد المسيحية ، فان لونجينوس هو قائد المئة الذي طعن جنب السيد بحربة كي يتيقن من موته ، فخرج للحال دم وماء فشفى مرض عيني لونجينوس اللتين كانت تزعجانه كثيرا READ MORE
Friday, October 14, 2011
An Orthodox View on Child Abuse
by Fr. Stanley S. Harakas
An apparently new social concern has risen in our days which highlights the abuse of children. Child abuse is generally understood in our day in broad terms, including the physical, mental, and spiritual harassment of children. Specifically, child abuse is often understood as inflicting physical harm on children such as striking. punching, whipping, depriving them of physical needs, or subjecting them to sexual perversity. Also, included in the understanding of child abuse is the psychological and emotional harm caused by excessive criticism, denigration, constant verbal maltreatment, psychological abandonment, or hatred.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
St Maximos the ConfessorПреподобный Максим ИсповедникΜαξίμου του Ομολογητού
If the purpose of the divine counsel is the deification of our nature, and the aim of divine thoughts is to supply the prerequisites of our life, it follows that we should both know and carry into effect the power of the Lord’s Prayer, and write about it in the proper way. READ MORE
Christian Education,
The Fathers Speak…
Friday, October 7, 2011
البارة بيلاجيا التائبة
الرب يحب الخطأة حبا جما ، كما نعلم ، ومن السهل ان نتصور انه لا بد ان يكون قد احب بيلاجيا المكرمة محبة خاصة لأن هذه الخاطئة الرهيبة لم تطلب التوبة بسبب افعالها الرديئة فحسب ، بل قامت واصبحت تقية وناسكة وقديسة .
ولدت في انطاكية لوالدين كانا وثنيين محافظين ، لقد بددت هذه القديسة التي عاشت في القرن الثالث للميلاد ، شبابها ، فقد حباها الله جمالا اخاذا، واطرافا جميلة ، وسرعان ما اصبحت راقصة شعبية ، وممثلة متميزة ، الا ان سيرتها كانت على كثير من العهر والمجون ، حتى انها انزلقت الى هاوية الدعارة ، واهملت نفسها اليقظة بالالهيات ، والجمال الروحي.READ MORE
Venerable Pelagia the Penitent
October 8th
The Lord loves sinners with an abiding love, we are told, and it is easy to imagine that He must have loved the Venerable Pelagia with a special fervor – because this egregious sinner not only sought repentance for her misdeeds, but then went on to become a pious and ascetic saint.READ MORE
October 8th
The Lord loves sinners with an abiding love, we are told, and it is easy to imagine that He must have loved the Venerable Pelagia with a special fervor – because this egregious sinner not only sought repentance for her misdeeds, but then went on to become a pious and ascetic saint.READ MORE
Thursday, October 6, 2011
كتب المقال راهبات
دير مار يعقوب دده
* أنواع الصّمت:
- صمت اللسان، وهو ألاّ يتكلّم كلاماً رديئاً.
- صمت الجسد، وهو أن تبطل منه كلّ الاحساسات الشّريرة.
- صمت النّفس، وهو الاّ تنبع منها أفكار رديئة.
- صمت العقل، وهو ألاّ يفكّر بأمور ضارة.
- صمت الرّوح، وهو أن يهدأ العقل من كلّ حركة أرضيّة،
وتختلج جميع حركاته بالدّهش الصّامت.
Christian Education,
The Fathers Speak…
The Mission of
[Adapted from a lecture given at the 1968 National Conference of Orthodox College Students and printed in Volume III, No.4 of CONCERN (no longer in publication).]
by Father Alexander Schmemann
[Adapted from a lecture given at the 1968 National Conference of Orthodox College Students and printed in Volume III, No.4 of CONCERN (no longer in publication).]
This article is available in pamphlet form here from Conciliar Press
What is the role and task of Orthodox Christians in America? Too often we want solutions to problems which we have not formulated, progress toward a point which we have not yet defined, victories in battles in which we don’t know who is fighting whom. READ MORE
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
By St. Nikolai Velimirovich
"Be angry and sin not" (Psalm 4:4).
Be angry with yourself, brethren, and sin no more. Be angry at your sins of thoughts and deeds, and sin no more. Be angry with Satan the father of lies (John 8:44), and no longer do his will. Be angry at sin in the world and the trampling of God's holy Church by godless men, but beware that you do not cure sin by sin. READ MORE
Monday, October 3, 2011
الملاك الحارس في
الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية
يجد اعتقاد الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية بالملاك الحارس دعماً زاخراً في تحذير السيّد: "اُنْظُرُوا، لاَ تَحْتَقِرُوا أَحَدَ هؤُلاَءِ الصِّغَارِ، لأَنِّي أَقُولُ لَكُمْ: إِنَّ مَلاَئِكَتَهُمْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ كُلَّ حِينٍ يَنْظُرُونَ وَجْهَ أَبِي الَّذِي فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ" (متى 10:18) لوقا، في إشارة إلى ملاك بطرس، يشهد لهذا الاعتقاد بين مسيحيي القرون الأولى (أعمال 15:12).هذه الإشارات تشير إلى أنّ الملائكة الحارسين كانوا معروفين جيداً لدى قارئَي متى ولوقا، ولا تحتاج الفكرة لأي شرح.
ورثت الكنيسة في إيمانها أموراً عديدة من اليهودية، مثل الصلاة للموتى ودور الملاك الحارس. أعلن كاتب المزامير: "مَلاَكُ الرَّبِّ حَالٌّ حَوْلَ خَائِفِيهِ، وَيُنَجِّيهِمْ" (مزمور 7:34)، و"لأَنَّهُ يُوصِي مَلاَئِكَتَهُ بِكَ لِكَيْ يَحْفَظُوكَ فِي كُلِّ طُرُقِكَ" (مزمور 11:91).
Christian Education,
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