Sunday, June 6, 2010

All the acts of God are wonder­ful and mysterious. Each one of His Works, being a divine manifestation, bears the stamp of the mysterious and the incomprehensible. But the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Com­munion is the greatest of all the mir­acles that our Lord wrought upon earth.
The little, fragile, unpretentious Lamb which we adore upon our altars outviews the very stars of heaven in their infinity and splen­dor; it outweighs the whole universe, filled though it be with the wonders of the Almighty. Not only one mir­acle, but a whole chain of miracles envelop it like the crystal, and en­compass it like the gold and the precious stones of the Chalice. “Manhu, what is it?” exclaimed the people of Israel in joyful surprise when the manna fell like snowflakes from heaven. Manhu, what is it?” we may likewise exclaim, when we gaze upon our “Bread” from heaven and meditate on the wonders mani­fested in that miraculous Food.
In this inspiring Sacrament two golden chains of divine love unite. One extends from heaven to earth; the other ascends from earth to heaven.  READ MORE